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Publisher: Angela Booth

Contact: angela.booth@gmail.com

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Writing Genii: http://writinggenii.com/all.html

Views: 621 | Date: 07.07.2014 | Comments (0)

If you've got a store and you're selling stuff, there are obvious ways you can use ecommerce. But for the rest of us, ecommerce seems like something we don't need.

  • I'm just a blogger, why would I need ecommerce?
  • I work at a nonprofit, we have nothing to sell.
  • I'm a freelancer doing service-based work. I don't need ecommerce.

We respectfully disagree. We believe ecommerce is for everybody.

Making money online is where everything is moving. It's been going that way for a while now and it's only going to continue. Ecommerce can enable everyone to make money online.

Most people think ecommerce isn't for them. They don't have a store. They don't have anything to sell. Ecommerce is for the Amazons of the world, right?

Wrong. Ecommerce is for everybody. There are so many ways everyday people can and should be making money online. It could be a new opportunity you've never considered, something you've always wanted to do or simply a shift in how you do business. It could be such a subtle change you'll wonder why you never thought of it before. It could also be ground-breaking.

Let's be honest: Checks, paper money and steady paychecks are on the way out. Direct deposit, automated payments, online billing and multiple income streams are the new wave.

It's time you embraced ecommerce. Even if you have nothing to sell.

It can mean local businesses going global, nonprofits finding new donors, freelancers who take billing online, creators who realize they have something to offer the world.

Ecommerce is for everybody. Including you.

Views: 487 | Date: 07.07.2014 | Comments (0)