Why This Works So Well

Understanding why these traffic siphons work so well is key to long term successful traffic generation. This method works well because of 2 simple reasons.

#1 Website owners ALWAYS need high quality content for their visitors

This is just the reality of owning a highly trafficked blog. There are a few exceptions, but most blogs live and die by the freshness of their content. Having high quality, fresh content continuously posted on blogs means more traffic, more shares and more ad revenue for the owners. Who doesn't want revenue? Now many times these owners are absolutely swamped with work. They will schedule content out but they can get busy. Sometimes they have staff writers, sometimes they run the entire blog themselves. This is where you come in. You walk in the door (their inbox) and say: Hey here's a bunch of awesome content FOR you, done and done, which one do you want?

Simple as that. You know why it works? Because it's so easy for the blog owners to just reply to you and say "I'd love it! I'll have it up on the site soon!"

It's a win-win. You get quality advertising that works (see below) and they get quality content for their site (which translates into more dollars for them.)

#2 Your "ad" is embedded into website content, not a banner.

What does that mean? You're essentially putting an ad up for your website or product. You're establishing yourself as a guru in a particular field, it could be health products, SEO, marketing ideas or budget travel tips. Most advertisers have it all wrong, they pay to put their banners up on the side of a website, falling victim to advertising blindness.

ose ads? No one. Or so few people that it doesn't really matter, you're wasting so much money paying for CPA ads that get %.010 click through rate. People are all reading the content.

Make the Content Your Advertisement

Now on the other hand if you scroll down in that same article you'll see a link for a product that is directly related to the article:

Affiliate link. Boom, you just got close to free advertising FOR LIFE from this website and it's all built into the content. You don't have to top off your advertising budget to keep that flood of traffic coming in. People read content, then if they like it (which I'll be showing you HOW to get them to like it) they want to find out more. You've established yourself as a pro, so they jump through your link for more.

Let me clarify this however. The above is just an example, you will not be putting your links within the body of your content but instead putting your links in an author bio at the END of your content, this is generally what other website owners prefer and what looks more organic (see below).

But more on that later... Now that you know why this works so well it's time to get started.

© 15 Minute Traffic Siphon

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Category: Article | Added by: Marsipan (13.09.2014)
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