Use Amazon Kindle Self-Publishing for Ongoing Income

I love self-publishing on the Kindle. Here's why.

You can write whatever you like. I've got a long list of ebook ideas. Many are ideas I ignored, because the potential market is small. Others are ideas which I thought were too small for a book.

However, with Kindle self-publishing, the size of the market doesn't matter. The books stay online for years. So the market will eventually number in the millions. As for small ideas: your Kindle ebooks don't need to be big. Your ebook can be 20 or 30 pages.

I was speaking with a friend last week. She's been writing for magazines successfully for over 20 years. She's very excited because she's now got a home for rejected article queries — she can write her articles, and publish them as ebooks.

The world has changed. These days, you're in control of your writing life. You don't need anyone's permission to write a book -- there are no gatekeepers. Write what you like.

Should YOU write and self-publish ebooks? Why not? It's a way to make on-going income.

What do you want to write?
Whatever it is -- short stories, a science fiction novel, a travel or recipe book — you can write it, and you may even make money. Of course, there are no guarantees. You may make nothing at all. On the other hand, you could get lucky.

If you love to write, there's a whole new world of self publishing open to you.



Exercise 28. Get to know Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing.

Go to and explore. You may just find that Kindle publication is your route to success as a writer.

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