The Easy-Write Process makes writing fun and EASY
For years, I used my Easy-Write Process without nailing it down and describing it; even to myself. I used it unconsciously. I'll tell you how it developed, because it will give you a handle on the reasons for each part of the process. Here's the Easy Write Process - there are three parts: Define, Brainstorm/ Free Write, and Select. You DEFINE a project, you BRAINSTORM it, do a little FREE WRITING, and then you SELECT from all the bits and pieces you've brainstormed. Defining - describing - is vital. Years ago I learned to DEFINE every writing project (no matter how small or how large), because when I lost track, and made mistakes, that meant I had to rethink and redo a project. Defining a project helps me to get the project clear in my own mind -you'll need to learn how to do this too, as you get busier. If you're working on 15 projects at one time, defining ensures that projects flow smoothly, simply because you understand what your goals are. Much of my writing is copywriting for clients, and you get a pretty fast response when a client is using a sales letter, and it doesn't perform as well as it could. It means rethinking the project from the start, and rewriting. So I learned that before I start any writing project I define the project, in two or three sentences - "this is a sales letter for a mobile phone. The target audience is teenagers. The response required is entering their name and email address." Next, comes brainstorming. In BRAINSTORMING, quantity counts. The more "nonsense" you can produce in a brainstorming session, the more likely you are to hit on the one brilliant idea which will make the project outstanding. Brainstorming takes time, and it creates a lot of junk, so I'd often skip it, thinking I was saving time. Well, maybe I was, but I get better ideas when I brainstorm... When I made sure I brainstormed on every writing project, not only did the writing projects become easier (because I knew exactly what do it, and did it) projects also went faster - and got better results. Bingo! Now I brainstorm everything - it saves time in the long run.
With the Definition, and Brainstorming and Free Writing done, now it's time to SELECT. Because brainstorming and free writing create a lot of material, it gives you a wide choice of material: just select the ideas that seem most appropriate. The benefit of this final part, selecting, is that it gives you confidence. Before you start the project, you've got a handle on it, so you eliminate procrastination. Define, Brainstorm/ Free Write and Select is fun, and you'll find that using Easy-Write makes any writing project fun. When writing is fun, you're eager to do it. Once you've completed all three parts of the Easy Write Process, you then go on the to How To Write No Matter What. Now let's look at the Easy-Write Process in detail. © Easy-Write Process >>> Back to TABLE OF CONTENTS <<< | |
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