Setting Up Your Autoresponder

Wow. That was exhausting no?

At this point it's time to think about our viewers. They've landed on your page, read your content and reached the end of your very high quality useful piece of content.

But you WANT something from them.

You want their email.

Sure you just gave them a ton of great free content and that may be enough to incentivize some to subscribe to your list.

But I'd recommend giving them a push over the edge.


Give them something else for free to really get them to make that final push and sign up.

Depending on your niche you can give away a variety of things.

They can be:

  • Informational Products
  • Videos
  • Audiobooks
  • Cheat Sheets
  • Etc. Etc.

But you don't have to create those.

Nope !

I would recommend finding something useful for your niche (remember doing research in StumbleUpon? If you need ideas refer back to StumbleUpon) that you don't have to spend time and energy creating yourself.

A great place for this is... Fiverr ! You can buy PLR products or other white label products available to giveaway for $5.

Personally I like to find white label products I can take and hack apart into a more concise and condensed cheat sheet instead of an entire course or information product.

A great example is finding a course on say depression and then taking the highlights of each chapter and condensing those down into a 1-2 page cheat sheet.

This will vary greatly depending on the niche you're in, maybe a cheat sheet doesn't work for your niche, that's fine, you can give away an entire course, just make sure it's quality. If you give them garbage, they're not going to be as likely to open emails from you down the road.

I like to whet their whistle just a bit.

Don't giveaway the farm, but give them just enough to sign up, but not enough to ignore your emails.

Get them interested in you so when an email drops in their inbox from you, they're more likely to open it. Take your bonus, split it up and drip feed it daily into their email for example.

Find and secure your bonus and format it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure and pay attention to rights & attribution! Some products will allow you to alter them, some may not. Keep this in mind before changing anything.

There are other great resources out there for giveaway products, but Fiverr will work great for most. Another option is to always have a unique product created for you (again, hit iWriter up for this) but make sure this is a specific piece of content. Writers on iWriter tend to write "overview" type pieces of content versus very specific things (unless told otherwise.)


The best bet would be to supply them with an engaging title your subscribers would want, and then have the writer research and write the content around it. Using StumbleUpon as inspiration for content examples will give you instant access to content examples that are very clicky and make your outsourcing job much easier.

Now you should have your bonus ready it's time to setup your actual autoresponder.

If you're already familiar with Aweber, then make sure you're confirmed double opt-in and have the success page deliver the subscriber to the download page. If you're new, then follow the screenshots below:

Login to your Aweber Account, pick your list and click "list options"

You can fill out your basic settings, after doing so click Confirmed Opt-In:

After doing so scroll down:

Make sure Require Opt-In is turned on (fewer subscribers but there will be fewer bogus emails and higher open rates) and then in the "Success Page" box, this is where your BONUS is located for download. Subscribers will be redirected there after they double opt-in to your list for their bonus.

This was a short step in preparation for the most important step, driving targeted traffic to your website to sign up for your list. If you haven't done so, follow the actionable steps below before moving on.

Actionable Steps To Complete This Section:

  • Find A Bonus
  • Setup Autoresponder To Deliver Product

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Category: Article | Added by: Marsipan (10.09.2014)
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