Requests and Responses

There are two ways to perform HTTP requests with the related PEAR components: HTTP_Request and HTTP_Client. The latter composes the former to add capabilities such as handling redirects and persisting headers, cookie data, and request parameters across multiple requests. Here’s how to perform a simple request and extract response information when using HTTP_Request directly.

require_once 'HTTP/Request.php';

$request =& HTTP_Request('http://localhost.example');
$response = $request->sendRequest();
  • The HTTP_Request constructor has two parameters, both of which are optional. The first is a string containing the URL for the request; note that the setURL method is an alternative way to specify a value for this. The second is a parameters array, which will be discussed later.
  • By default, the GET method is used. setMethod is used to change this using constants, the names for which are formed by prefixing the desired request method with HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_ as in HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET.
  • sendRequest intuitively dispatches the request and obtains the response. It returns either t rue to indicate that that request succeeded or an error object (of the PEAR_Error class by default) if an issue occurred.

Issues that cause errors include environmental requirements of the component not being met or the target of the request exceeding the redirect limit. PEAR: :isError is used to determine if the sendRequest call resulted in an error. If the request is sent successfully, several methods of the request object are available to extract response information.

if (!PEAR::isError($response)) {
$code = $request->getResponseCode();
$reason = $request->getResponseReason();
$body = $request->getResponseBody();
$cookies = $request->getResponseCookies();
$headers = $request->getResponseHeader();
$contentType = $request->getResponseHeader('Content-Type');

Here are a few specifics about the response information methods.

  • getResponseCode returns an integer containing the HTTP status code.
  • getResponseReason returns a string containing a description that corresponds to the HTTP status code.
  • getResponseCookies returns false if no cookies are set; otherwise it returns an enumerated array of associative arrays each of which contains information for an individual cookie such as its name, value, and expiration date.
  • getResponseHeader will return an associative array of all headers indexed by header name (in all lowercase) if no parameter is passed to it; otherwise, it takes a single string parameter containing a specific header name for which it will return the value.

sendRequest does not modify any parameters set by you that are specific to the request (as opposed to the response). That is, request instances can be reused and individual parameters modified only as needed to change what differs between consecutive requests. To “start fresh” with an existing request instance, simply explicitly call its constructor method.

$request =& new HTTP_Request;
// ...
// all parameters previously set will be cleared

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