Marketing Your Product
Now that we have our product created and our salespage up and running on the internet we need to start getting traffic. There are several little tricks I like to use to start getting traffic very quickly, totally for free.
TRAFFIC FROM DOCSTOC USING GOOGLE SUGGEST This is like article marketing on steroids. If you've followed all of the previous steps your head will be swimming with information related to your $7 niche product. All you need to do now is start getting some helpful content up on the internet that will direct people back to your salespage. The easiest way to do this is with article marketing. Usually when you hear this you'd think that you're going to have to slave away writing 500 word articles that you have to submit to ezine articles and waiting days and days for them to accept your articles. This is the old way. Let me tell you the new way! It's called and I mentioned it earlier as a great resource to find content on. But, another great thing about Docstoc is that it ranks just as well as eZine articles does in the search engines. Another thing is that its instant approval. You don't have to wait a week to get your content up online. The other part of the strategy that we are going to use which you hardly ever hear anyone talking about comes into play with Google Suggest. Instead of showing you how to use the Google Adwords keyword tool to find keywords with less than 100,000 competing pages and things like that here's a new more powerful method that will start to bring you traffic almost immediately. We are going to go after extremely low competition low search keywords in volume. The best thing about doing this is that we don't have to spend time backlinking our articles like you would have to do with eZine articles. We want really long tail keywords that most marketers simply don't know how to get. And we're going to find them using Google Suggest. If you've ever been on Google you've noticed that when you start typing in keywords Google will start suggesting other searches that it thinks you may be looking for:
The goldmine lies in that these keywords are actively being searched for by people and Google is suggesting these keywords to other people who are looking for related content. The best thing of all is that these really long tail keywords have hardly any competition what-so-ever. Another resource to find Google suggest keywords is to use the Suggest Scraper at SEO Toolbook: You want your starting list of keywords that you're going to write articles about to have 5 or more words in them. This ensures that there will be little competition in the search engines for them. After you get your list of keywords you want to type them into Google. Make sure that they have less than 10,000 competing pages in the results. When it comes down to writing your article, you want to make sure that you repeat the keyword at least once every one hundred words. Also title your document with the keyword in it, and link to your salespage at the bottom of the article. Write up the article and submit it to Docstoc. If you do this correctly you'll notice that your document is ranking on the first page of Google within 48 hours or less.
WIKIPEDIA TRAFFIC Basically you are going to be leveraging the immense traffic that Wikipedia receives and bringing it to your own websites. Here's how it works: Lets assume that my product is a guide teaching people how to save money buying used cars.
Step 1) Search Wikipedia for your topic. Find articles on Wikipedia that are related to your niche. You want to do a little thinking here. What is your target market searching for in the search engines? Since my product is a guide about how to save money buying used cars, I can safely say that my target market is probably looking up specifications on older vehicles. So for this first step I found a Wikipedia article about a popular model of used car, the Nissan 240SX. Step 2) Edit the Wikipedia article's external links by scrolling down to the bottom and clicking on edit: Step 4) Edit the external links by using the syntax below: Make sure you link to the your salespage. You will receive a lot of unique visitors from doing this on multiple pages.
WHY THIS WORKS: This works because Google is in LOVE with Wikipedia, and that site receives so much traffic its ridiculous. People do read these articles and they do click on the external links. You should be bringing them to your site and converting them on your offers!!
ADVANCED WIKIPEDIA METHODS: If there aren't any articles for your keywords, you can WRITE THEM YOURSELF and put them on Wikipedia, and link to your site as an external link! Wikipedia will ALWAYS out rank Ezine Articles, Youtube, and all of the other big name sites we marketers like to use, and you're talking about some serious traffic! That's it. You can do one of these in 15 minutes with practice. If you devoted just two hours per day to doing this, after a month you'd be receiving thousands of unique visitors per day to your salespage.
BLACKHAT YAHOO ANSWERS TRAFFIC An easy way to get a ton of traffic to your salespage quick is to use Yahoo Answers in a very special way. First you are going to need two different accounts to start with. Create these account with different email addresses, and if you can, create them on different computers. The first account is going to be your asking account. The second one will be your answering account. The trick is to ask questions which are related to your product with one account, and answer them with the other account and reference your salespage. The more accounts you have the more you can do this, but don't go too overboard with it as you'll get flagged and get your accounts deleted. If this happens don't worry because you can always make more account. Using these three methods in conjunction will give you enough traffic to start making your first few sales. If you're interested in even more traffic generating strategies you can download some great resources here:
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