Make Money Today Method #6 -

If you're looking for a guaranteed way to actually start making money, but you don't care about the amount, you might want to take a look at


This is an interesting little marketplace, where people perform services called "HITs", which stands for human intelligence tasks. These are completely mundane tasks that require very little to no special skills at all, but cannot really be done by a computer - so mturk provides a way for people to perform these HITs and receive a small payment for each one.

Most of these tasks are things like categorizing products, transcribing scripts, and evaluating search results.

How can MTurk make you money today?

Now, it's important that you understand that most of the HITs only pay an average of maybe 3 cents. But, before you laugh at that, it's important for you to understand that most of these actions will only take you a matter of moments.

Because of the low pay, MTurk is a great choice for people that are not in the United States. 3 cents might not seem like a lot to some people, but there are many places around the world where cents can add up very quickly.

So, if you want to start making money VERY quickly, jump on over to and sign up for an account. You can start performing HITs right away.

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Category: Article | Added by: Marsipan (15.09.2014)
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