Make Money This Week Method #2 - CPA

CPA stands for "cost per action". It is a lot like any other form of advertising, only you don’t get paid for simply showing an advertisement. You don’t even get paid when someone clicks on an ad. To earn money with CPA, you must get someone to complete an offer - which is usually something like sharing their name and e-mail address in exchange for a free gift.

When you get someone to complete the offer, you will be paid a set amount of money for it. If you can get a whole bunch of people to complete the offer, you can make a ridiculous amount of money. I know marketers that pull in $1000 A DAY with CPA! Yes, much of that will go right back into advertising, so it’s certainly not all profit, but a good amount of it is!

How Can CPA Make You Money This Week?

There are several great ways to earn money with CPA offers, but if you're starting from zero, your first step is going to be getting accepted into a CPA network - a company that connects publishers (you) with advertisers (those paying you to get others to perform the actions).

Instead of making a big deal out of how to get accepted into a CPA network, let me point you toward a few really great resources that will tell you everything that you need to know about how to go about that. Once you have been accepted into a CPA network, then you can start using some of these methods!

Resource: Learn how to get accepted into CPA networks!

A few networks to look at...

When you work with a CPA network, they will give you a list of offers to promote. Each offer campaign requires a different action for you to get paid (some require that users share their information while others require that they fill out a survey, etc.). To get people to perform the action, you will need to have them click on your unique affiliate link for that offer.

So for instance, let's say that there is an offer where the action is getting someone to give their name and e-mail address so they can become a tester for the newest iPhone. Every time you get someone to perform that action and complete that offer, you will get something like $1 to $2.

If you want to take part in that offer, you will receive a special affiliate link. You will need to get people to visit that link so they can reach the page where they enter their information. It's pretty simple. The page where they enter information would already be set up by the person running the campaign and paying you - so all you need to do is send people to your link!

CPA Method #1 - Use Wordpress

We've discussed exactly how to set up a Wordpress blog in the last method, so if you need ANY help with that, please refer back. The idea here is that we will be setting up a Wordpress blog that advertises a link to a CPA offer. Then, you will just need to send as many people to that link as you possibly can!

To do this, just take a keyword from your offer and write up an article about it. For instance, if the offer is trying to get people to fill out a survey and in return, they are entered in a drawing for a cell phone, you could write out an article about the keyword "free cell phones" or "cell phones for surveys". Talk about how people can get free cell phones in return for filling out surveys - you're basically prepping someone to perform the action for the offer that you are using!

NOTE: If you need help writing articles, there is a step by step guide in the first section of this manual!

Now, install Wordpress on your hosting account somewhere and paste the article on the front page. Make sure that you insert your offer affiliate link all throughout the article. Put your link in about 5 or 6 times, any time that you say something like "getting a free cell phone is easy.." or "then your free cell phone will arrive..." you can make the words 'free cell phone' a link!

You can use just about domain name with your new Wordpress site - but, it's best to keep it related to the offer. So, for our example you would want to use something like "" or something along those lines. If you want my advice, I would purchase a .info domain from GoDaddy, because they are usually very cheap!

Then, spend all your time promoting that blog all over the place. Put it in your signature link at forums. Put it in your e-mail signature, write out some more articles and submit them to article directories, visit Yahoo! Answers and write the answers to questions about cell phones, then leave your link as the resource. Do whatever you can to get people to your new Wordpress blog.

This method will work with any type of offer. It doesn't have to be a campaign that involves getting a free cell phone. All you need to do is adjust the content of the article on your front page and it can be for any kind of offer.

CPA Method #2 - Use Physical Advertisements

This is a totally underutilized method of promoting CPA offers! The first thing that you need to do is purchase a domain name and redirect it to your affiliate link for the CPA offer of your choice - so that when someone visits your domain, they will be automatically redirected to your affiliate link.
For example, if you are promoting an offer where people must sign up for a credit card for a chance to win a $500 Wal-Mart gift card, you want to highlight the gift card part and let them find out about the credit card part on their own. You might want to purchase a domain like "" or "". Then, use domain redirection to send people straight to your affiliate link when they type in your domain.

Resource: Here is a short guide on using domain redirection

Now, you are going to use physical advertising to try to get people to visit your domain. When they do, they will automatically be sent to your CPA offer. If they perform the necessary action, you will earn money!

Print off business cards - Here's how I get a lot of CPA campaigns rolling. Print off little business card sized advertisements with a little message like "Get a free Wal-Mart gift card" or something catchy like that. Just leave these business card everywhere you go. Gas stations, public restrooms, restaurants, libraries, shops, the grocery store.

Hand out flyers - If you live in a densely populated area, you could make up a big advertisement with your domain on it, then hand out flyers to passersby. Make sure that you highlight that people will get something cool when they visit your site.

Put the URL on your car - If you plan on promoting one of these sites for a while, why not put a big ad on your car?

Put flyers on windshields - I know of several people that have had some success with printing off flyers and then physically putting them under the windshield wipers of cars at crowded bars or restaurants.

CPA Method #3 - Use YouTube

YouTube is an awesome resource to promote CPA offers. I'll make up a quick video talking about how I got something for free at this website I just found. Then, I'll leave my offer link in the description and say something like "This is the site that I'm talking about".

So, I'll choose an offer where people must fill out a survey and in return, they are sent free product samples. Then, I'll make a video of myself talking about how I get tons of free product samples and how it makes my life easier, blah, blah, blah. And I'll leave my link in the video description.

This will work with any type of campaign! Plus, you don't need a video camera, you can just make up a PowerPoint presentation and record your screen using CamStudio (

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