How Freelancing Can Make You Money Today

You could read volumes and volumes of books about how to make money on freelancing websites. But, if you are interested in making money today, here is what you need to know.


  1. Open an account at
  2. Fill out your profile information as completely as you can. Use correct grammar and punctuation or you will fail miserably
  3. Upload a good photo of yourself for your profile
  4. Verify your phone number and identity in the manner they ask for (helps to make you look more credible)
  5. Find a job posting that matches your skills and apply with a very low bid. Applying with a low bid helps to ensure that you'll be chosen to perform the job. Yes, it's not the absolute ideal situation, but if you're interested in earning money today, it is definitely the best way to do it.
  6. When you write out your "application", try to avoid sounding like an idiot like everyone else usually does. Instead of writing "I can do it", you should tell them a little bit about yourself and your skills and why you would be the perfect candidate for the job. You might even want to explain that you are offering a low bid because you are new to the Elance community and not because you do low quality work!

You can follow that basic outline at any of the major freelancing websites. This really is one of the best ways to make some fast money. You can easily get into the triple digits within just a day if you land the right job or through a combination of several jobs!

With a basic membership at (and just about every other freelancing site), you can apply for 15 job postings each month. Don't be afraid to apply for a good amount of them at the same time because you won't be hired for every job to which you apply. Being turned down is just part of the game - so you should not expect to land every job.

This isn't going to be a course over how to correctly use a freelancing website, you should check out the help articles that Elance has created for that type of help.

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