Additional Research & Site Pre-Planning
Once you have picked out your niche, primary keyword phrase, and domain name, you can still do additional research with Google to help you target additional keywords and even to help you start planning your site. This process simply involves using Google's Keyword Planner to help you find additional keywords relating to your primary keyword phrase, most of which can easily be used as topics for additional pages on your site. Site planning will be covered more in-depth in the next Azon Master Class, so the purpose of this additional research is not to plan out every page of your site - it is simply to get an idea of other potential keywords and topics that could be used on the site. If I revisit the Google Keyword Planner and search the phrase “down comforter”, I can easily get a summary of potential topics for the niche from the Ad group ideas tab. I have shown the various Ad groups that are displayed for this search: By simply browsing through that list of Ad groups, I can pick out numerous potential topics that I could use within content of pages or as the topic for an entire page (or even a section of pages) on the site. For example, I can quickly pick out various comforter sizes listed here: King, Queen, Twin, XL & Oversized. I can also tell that some people are searching for information about colors with these topics: Color, Purple, Pink & Brown. Some people are searching for Cheap or Discount down comforters, while others want Luxury comforters. Any of these topics could be used as topics for an entire page, a portion of a page, or even an entire section of pages on the site - it really just depends on how much information could really be covered for each topic and how you want to present that information to your site visitors. You even have people searching for Lightweight or Summer down comforters, which is a strong indication that people like these comforters but think they are too hot during the warm months of the year (which is also backed up by the seasonal tendencies of this niche). Even more people want to know about Washing or Cleaning these comforters. Any of these points would make excellent informational pages for the site because they are obvious selling points or points of concern for consumers of these products. Open up a text editor program on your computer, like Notepad in Windows, and simply make a list of some of the potential topics that you've been able to find for your site. You can even expand this list more by searching for these topics (to find subtopics) or even searching for additional keyword phrases related to your niche and/or the products you want to promote. For now, just making a list and at least considering how you might try to cover some of the topics in your website content is a great start because it gets you thinking about the niche and the products.
Next Azon Master Class In the next Azon Master Class, we will begin planning our site. This will also involve additional research to learn about your niche, if you do not already know enough about it to be able to write a useful website about various topics in the niche. At this point, you should have a niche picked out along with a primary keyword phrase and a domain name. You should also have a preliminary list of some additional keywords and/or topics that could potentially be covered on the site. This information will then be used more extensively in the next class as we finish research on the site and plan the pages, content and advetisements. © Google Research >>> Back to TABLE OF CONTENTS <<< | |
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